Ageing is Inevitable,
Growing Old is Not.

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Wake-Up, Shake-Up, Thrive!

A unique wake-up call designed to inspire the 50+ generation to grasp the modern ageing paradigm before it’s too late, to shake-up mindsets to embrace the years ahead, and to offer vision, tools, tips and guidelines to thrive NOW.

Nearly one in three people in the world is over 50, including nearly 20% of the workforce in the EU. While this equates to ample experience, it can also mean challenges at both the individual and the organizational levels.

Here’s the Secret

Ageing is inevitable, yet we each determine how we age.

Wake Up, Shake Up, Thrive!® Workshops & Coaching propose a unique wake-up call to the 50+ generation focused on five Dimensions of Well-Being: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual & Financial to turn disruptive demographics into productive possibilities! Elevating this transition requires an approach that incorporates all the Dimensions. Like the Gears of a Swiss watch, when one turns, the others move, too. Harmoniously.

5 Dimensions of Well Being


Why Nutrition, Movement, Sleep and Mindfulness are the most impactful areas on longevity.
The Physical Dimension is the foundation for cool ageing at its best. Healthy ageing can be accessed through simple habits around nutrition, physical activity and sleep. For an aging workforce, programs & coaching in these areas have proven to be very effective in supporting physical well-being, especially in the 50+ demographic.


90% of our decisions are based on our emotions, which means that a healthy mindset is critical in making decisions.
Emotional well-being is a combination of our thoughts and feelings, the relationship we have with our inner selves and how we relate to the world. Employers play key roles in supporting emotional balance among employees. Mentoring & coaching, as well as promoting and cultivating the other four dimensions of Well-Being, can all support the unique emotional needs of our ageing population.


Exploring the bond between who we are, what we’re made of and who we will become.
Improved self-esteem, strengthened relationships, increased compassion and a positive outlook on life have all been shown as specific benefits of spirituality. Aligning with self, with others and with a greater power can nurture and improve the relationships at the heart of a thriving existence. Raising awareness about gratitude, mindfulness, sharing & individuality can all contribute to improved work efficiency and satisfaction.


The importance of regularly stimulating our brains.
Connecting and interacting with others, accepting diversity, being inclusive, knowing how to support and collaborate with others, being able to successfully resolve conflicts and adapting to change all comprise intellectual Well-Being. Solid recruitment and retention practices can support both the employee experience and the employer’s competitiveness.


Uncovering our material needs and wants, as well as why now is the perfect time to realign.
Financial wellness is not about how much money you have, but about how you choose to manage it. Financial security includes the ability to manage financial commitments, meet financial goals, protect against risks and prepare for future needs. Professional and comprehensive financial planning must be proactive and strategic for optimum wellness, rather than reactive in the face of uncertainties.

Success Stories

Excellent session! I found the session well-prepared, well-focused, beneficial and personally affirming. I was impressed by the breadth and depth of expertise and experience of both Ellen and Dominique, and by the overall positive dynamic of the interactive session;
Séance très intéréssante et motivante. Nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir faire bénéficier nos futurs retraités (même si ces interrogations concernent tout le monde) de ce moment.
“Ellen and Dominique, you're just perfect, please keep going and change our organisations which need to be more human, purpose-oriented and fulfilling :)”
Le séminaire s’est parfaitement bien déroulé et les participants nous ont fait des commentaires des plus élogieux que je partage totalement, tant comme participant que comme sponsor du projet. Merci aux deux intervenants
Très instructif, Générosité, Bienveillance, Professionnalisme, Très Utile

Meet Ellen and Dominique

Picture of Ellen Kocher

Ellen Kocher

Ellen Kocher is a Swiss-American economist and certified Workplace Wellness Consultant and Holistic Health Coach. With a master’s degree in Health & Wellness Coaching and multiple accreditations, Ellen has lived in Switzerland for three decades. She has dedicated the last 15+ years to coaching hundreds of individuals and groups in dozens of organizations to make sustainable lifestyle changes, empowering them to go from knowing what to do to actually doing it!

Picture of Dominique Ben Dhaou

Dominique Ben Dhaou

Dominique Ben Dhaou has been working in human resources leadership for over 30 years. As the founder and Managing Director of the consulting firm, PointNorth International, she helps professionals and executives reinvent careers that truly fit their experience, values, skills and purpose. In 2016, she was named "Best Professional in Human Resources.” In 2018, she was voted "Best Leader of the Year" by the same organization.

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