“Why Age-Washing will not wash away the Silver Tsunami!”

“Age-washing”, similar to greenwashing in the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), refers to the practice of organizations making misleading or superficial claims about their efforts to promote age diversity and combat ageism in the workplace. It occurs when companies engage in deceptive marketing or public relations tactics to portray themselves as age-inclusive or age-friendly without implementing meaningful or substantive policies, practices, or programs to support older workers or combat age discrimination.

In March, we had the pleasure of attending the first “ICF Congrès Francophone du Coaching” ICF Synergie. Besides concluding that being with real people, in real-time is irreplaceable, this month’s Age Disruptors Insider will explore our key learnings around what meaningful practices to support older workers or combat age discrimination are all about.


“Age is Just a Number”

The conference kicked off with three so-called “Dinosaurs” Vincent Lenhardt , Alain Cardon, MCC-ACTC (ICF) and François Delivré – each over 70 years young and impressive by their wisdom, energy, and inspiration! The great takeaway was that Coaching – like many professions – gets better with the years. The 1000+ attendees further proved this as they were from every age from 18 to 88! The session we presented “Leadership Intergênérationnel : Bâtir un Avenir Inclusif et Durable” on the aging demographic was sold out with over 65 coaches showcasing the fact that the “aging population (50+)” is recognized as a real priority at work and home.

Our Key Learning: Ageism may be the new hot ‘ism…“quick fixes” won’t work.


Purpose Is the new “essence-tial”

When the “dinosaurs” mentioned above were asked how they managed to still be inspirational, energetic, and active “at their advanced ages,” the overwhelming answer was “by doing what I am passionate about.” The essence of purpose was further revealed as we met so many coaches who chose coaching at one point in their career path to better “align with their purpose.” In addition, we discovered that “purpose” is also one of the main areas around which coaches work with clients.

Here’s why:

Meaningful Work: Research shows that people, regardless of age, are seeking more than just a paycheck from their jobs. Data also suggests that as individuals grow older, they tend to seek more meaningful work. This is particularly true for those in the 50+ age group who may be contemplating their legacy and seeking work that aligns with their values and personal mission. They want to feel connected to something meaningful and impactful. Aligning with purpose allows individuals to find deeper meaning and fulfillment in their work, leading to greater job satisfaction and engagement.

Attracting Talent: Purpose-driven organizations are more attractive to top talent, especially among younger generations. Millennials and Gen Z, in particular, prioritize working for companies that are making a positive impact on society and the environment. A survey by PwC found that 88% of Millennials gravitate towards employers with strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) values.

Employee Retention: Companies that prioritize purpose-driven initiatives tend to experience higher levels of employee retention. According to a study by Deloitte, 73% of employees who say they work at a “purpose-driven” company are engaged, compared to just 23% of those who don’t. This alignment with purpose creates a sense of loyalty and commitment among employees, reducing expensive turnover rates.

Customer Loyalty: Beyond attracting and retaining employees, aligning with purpose also enhances customer loyalty. Consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a company’s values and social impact. A study by Cone Communications revealed that 87% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that advocates for issues they care about.

Organizational Resilience: Research shows that urpose-driven organizations are more resilient, innovative, and agile in the face of challenges. They are better able to anticipate and adapt to changes in the market, industry, and regulatory environment, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities. This adaptability is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Our key learning: Aligning with purpose is increasingly recognized as essence-tial for all generations today… this cannot be done without intentional, meaningful, and personalized programs.


Recognition is “power-full”

Just as our world is a landscape of diversity, this global conference brought together a rich array of coaches and leaders spanning various ages, races, cultures, and genders. The universal desire to belong resonates deeply within us all. In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, acknowledgment catalyzes motivation, inspiration, and effective leadership.

Seniors over 50 often excel in the recognition of others due to several factors. Firstly, with age often comes increased life experience and emotional intelligence, allowing older individuals to better understand and empathize with others’ perspectives and accomplishments. Additionally, seniors may have developed stronger interpersonal skills over the years, improving their ability to communicate appreciation and acknowledgment effectively. Furthermore, older adults may have had more opportunities to witness the impact of recognition on individuals and teams throughout their careers, reinforcing its importance in fostering positive relationships and productivity.

Our pivotal takeaway: We can learn from the 50+ generation … if we acknowledge and recognize them…

Welcoming the storm

In the ever-evolving landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion, age-washing is a phenomenon that threatens to undermine genuine efforts to combat ageism and promote age diversity in the workplace. As we reflect on our experiences at the “ICF Congrès Francophone du Coaching” ICF Synergie and the significance of purpose-driven initiatives, one thing becomes abundantly clear: meaningful change requires intentional action. The insights gained from our discussions underscore the importance of waking up to the realities of ageism, shaking up outdated perceptions, and thriving by embracing the wisdom and contributions of individuals of all ages.

Join us in our mission to disrupt age norms and build a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

Are you ready to avoid “Age Washing?”

If you’d like to avoid “Age Washing” and discover truly impactful solutions, contact us to initiate your personalized organizational WUSUT Check-Up, a great way to identify where you stand and your roadmap, like a talent management GPS.

Welcoming the storm —

Ellen & Dominique

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