An Aging workforce that soars

An aging workforce that soars — not resigns!

You have likely noticed more resignations from your employees who are 50 and older.  Research shows that between the first quarter of 2021 and 2022, the greatest growth in resignations was among workers aged 40 to 60 and those with a tenure of more than 10 years. 

Their reasons for leaving vary widely and often they’re hesitant to express their real motivations. This is a challenge worth investigating since you know that your 50+ aged employees have valuable networks, experience, and knowledge to make your organization soar.

You know you need to keep, motivate and engage your most experienced (50+) employees, but where do you begin? 

A Summer Break for the Boardroom 

To create a thriving organization, it takes all generations of employees and leaders. If you’re committed to fostering the type of workplace culture where people and ideas flourish, you may be ready for an outside perspective. There is no better time for a Check-Up than right now!

Summer is the perfect time for a Wake-Up Shake-Up Thrive Employer Check-Up with fewer deadlines to meet, less meetings and more employees on summer break. 

Our Check-Ups are designed as a collaborative Wake-Up and Shake-Up of your organization’s thinking around today’s aging demographic and its effect on your workplace. Wake-Up, Shake-Up, Thrive! founders, Ellen Kocher and Dominique Ben Dhaou, brainstorm, ask and answer questions to support you in designing action steps and a roadmap for what will best work for your organization to soar.

Your takeaways will be: 

  • An assessment of your company’s current status benchmarked to competition to support and motivate your 5-generation workforce, especially the aged 50+
  • A list of action items and a description of how each is supported by best business practices
  • Your customized business roadmap with clear priorities
  • A summary report designed for key stakeholders and management

Prioritizing your aging workforce 

As a manager, team leader, or business owner, you know how important it is to fully utilize the talents of your established and experienced team members. It simply works better.

Structuring your employee training and wellbeing  programs to specifically address concerns and questions of your employees aged 50+ is one of the most effective ways to make that happen.

Just a few of the benefits:  

  • Ensuring employees of all ages feel seen, heard, and valued 
  • Fostering a more integrated and inspired work environment 
  • Achieving a balance between personal and professional life
  • Understanding how to make transitions or re-invention within your organization
  • Demonstrating leadership with new or updated Diversity and Inclusion initiatives
  • Lowering absenteeism and turnover
  • Getting in front of demographic trends to attract strong candidates
  • Ensuring your mission statement and values are reflected in reality – and not just in theory

Breathe easier and soar!

Worrying about resignations and retention causes significant stress at every aspect of your business —  inside and outside your organization. Stress affects our ability to breathe easily and deeply as we enter the state of fight or flight. 

The only kind of flight we want for you is one of your choosing, where you are able to soar toward open space, infinite possibilities, and the opportunity to gain a new perspective toward a thriving business. Your Wake-Up Shake-Up Thrive Employer Check-Up will allow you to do just that! 

WUSUT has created a powerful CHECK-UP for employers who want to be age-ready.  Interaction is definitely included with brainstorming and live Q&A with founders, Dominique and Ellen. Corporate check-up sessions are designed specifically for your company and include action items and recommendations. For more info, see 

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