Disruptive thinking

“AGE TOO” The Forgotten Dimension of DEI

Wake-Up: The Situation In today’s workplace, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are considered non-negotiable elements of a modern organization. However, one critical aspect of diversity is often overlooked: AGE. The Swiss DiversityAwards Ceremony in early September brought this issue to the forefront when seniors@work won the “AGE” category prize. This recognition underscores the urgent need

“AGE TOO” The Forgotten Dimension of DEI Lire la suite »

“Mo’ Than 50: Disrupting Men’s Health for the 50+ Generation”

November is Movember, a global movement dedicated to men’s health, focusing on mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. As the women of WUSUT, this month, we want to spotlight men aged 50+ and how we can disrupt aging by focusing on total well-being across all dimensions of life. WAKE UP! The statistics are clear—men’s

“Mo’ Than 50: Disrupting Men’s Health for the 50+ Generation” Lire la suite »

Thriving Beyond Summer – Kick Off Your Autumn with Age-Inclusive Workplaces

As the summer comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the insights we’ve gained and prepare for the challenges ahead. This autumn, we’re excited to revisit the revelations from our Spring Aging Workforce MasterClass and share how these insights can help you thrive in the coming season. The aging workforce in

Thriving Beyond Summer – Kick Off Your Autumn with Age-Inclusive Workplaces Lire la suite »

“Why Age-Washing will not wash away the Silver Tsunami!”

“Age-washing”, similar to greenwashing in the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), refers to the practice of organizations making misleading or superficial claims about their efforts to promote age diversity and combat ageism in the workplace. It occurs when companies engage in deceptive marketing or public relations tactics to portray themselves as age-inclusive or

“Why Age-Washing will not wash away the Silver Tsunami!” Lire la suite »

“Embrace Your Calling — It’s Never Too Late!”

As we kick off the month of March, we’re greeted by a multitude of spiritual observances. Dominique will begin fasting for Ramadan on March 11th allowing her mind and body its annual rejuvenation. Ellen will be celebrating Easter on March 31st reinforcing her Christian values and beliefs through family time and traditions. Hindi in the

“Embrace Your Calling — It’s Never Too Late!” Lire la suite »

We collaborate with Pension Funds and Organizations to prepare for retirement.

Nous collaborons avec des Caisses de Pension et des Organisations pour la préparation à la retraite.

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