Are you struggling to guide your age 50+ employees to their next challenge, inside or outside of your organization?

Dominique discussion with client

Do your short QUIZ to discover the starting point on managing the aging demographic in your organization.

NEW! Future-Proof Your Workforce!

Download “The Future-Proof Employer’s Guide to a 50+ Workforce” for key insights and strategies to harness the full potential of your experienced employees.

NOUVEAU! Anticipez l’avenir de votre entreprise !

Téléchargez “Guide Stratégique pour Gérer vos Employés de 50+ ans” et découvrez comment maximiser l’engagement et la performance de vos talents expérimentés.

We support organizations at 3 levels:
1. Assess — 2. Strategize — 3. Deliver

1. Assess

If you’re not yet including your older workforce in your DEI initiatives, then you’re giving up reputation, impact, and revenue
A WUSUT CHECK-UP Assessment identifies your areas for growth allowing you to capitalize on your 50+ demographic.
  • Understand the cost of not anticipating workforce retention impacted by demographic trends.
  • Position your organization as an industry leader through updated Diversity and Inclusion initiatives.
  • Reinforce your organization’s ability to conquer business challenges
  • Reduce absenteeism to increase productivity.

2. Strategize

Strategizing and creating an AGE-READY roadmap with priorities clearly defined can help you:

  • Proactively plan and anticipate demographic trends
  • Ensure a stronger talent pipeline
  • Tangibly support your organization’s values with concrete actions and measurable results.

3. Deliver

We understand that every organization is unique. Therefore, our delivery options are fully customizable to your specific needs.

Our Most Popular Half-Day Workshop for Employees 50+


The half-day “Thrive after 55!” workshop is a unique opportunity to begin reflecting – away from everyday life – on the next exciting chapter of beyond 55. Ideally, this workshop would be coordinated with a half-day dedicated to financial issues related to retirement preparation.


L’Atelier d’une demi-journée « Quinqua Cool ! » est une occasion unique et privilégiée pour démarrer une réflexion — loin du quotidien — sur le prochain chapitre passionnant de la vie à partir de 50 ans. Idéalement, il est coordonné avec une demi-journée consacrée aux questions financières liées à la préparation de la retraite.

Other Delivery Launch Points

Your advantages of working with Wake-Up, Shake-Up, Thrive!

  • Proactively plan and anticipate demographic trends
  • Commit to supporting your staff of all ages by including older generations in your Diversity and Inclusion initiatives
  • Contribute to staff morale by reducing concerns, while inspiring new ideas, confidence, and innovation
  • Accompany your older employees through the transition and into their next chapter
  • Demonstrate genuine concern for your employees’ well-being
  • Truly support your organization’s values and solidify them into reality

Our videos to guide your pre-retirement program

Pre-retirement video - Wakeup Shakeup Thrive
Holistic preretirement program coaching

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New! Get Future-Proof!

Download your Guide to a 50+ Workforce
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