Thriving Beyond Summer – Kick Off Your Autumn with Age-Inclusive Workplaces

As the summer comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the insights we’ve gained and prepare for the challenges ahead. This autumn, we’re excited to revisit the revelations from our Spring Aging Workforce MasterClass and share how these insights can help you thrive in the coming season. The aging workforce in Swiss workplaces presents unique challenges, but also incredible opportunities—if we’re willing to wake up, shake up, and thrive.

During our MasterClass(es), we have explored widely held beliefs about managing age demographics in Swiss workplaces. What we discovered was eye-opening, challenging the assumptions many of us hold about leadership, diversity, and the future of work. Here are the 7 WUSUT Truths that emerged, along with the realities we uncovered, and how you can take action to make a difference this autumn.

WUSUT Truth #1: Business Leaders Are Fully Aware of Aging Workforce Challenges

Reality: Awareness is Lacking, Action Even More So

We might assume that business leaders are on top of the demographic challenges posed by an aging workforce. However, our MasterClass revealed that this awareness is often superficial, and proactive strategies are rare. Many leaders are not fully grasping the urgency or complexity of the situation, leaving a gap in planning for skills shortages and the needs of older employees.

WUSUT Truth #2: Senior Leaders Over 50 Model Age-Friendly Practices

Reality: Age-Friendly Practices Are Not Widely Modeled

It’s easy to believe that older leaders naturally champion age-inclusive policies, but our discussions showed otherwise. Many leaders over 50 remain attached to outdated practices and do not consistently embody the changes needed for truly age-inclusive workplaces. The gap between belief and action highlights the need for more leaders to lead by example.

WUSUT Truth #3: Swiss Decision-Makers Are Aware of Future Workforce Needs

Reality: Awareness of Future Workforce Needs Is Low

Despite federal statistics indicating that Switzerland will need to import nearly 500,000 workers by 2040 to fill gaps left by retiring baby boomers, this awareness is not widespread. Many professionals are unaware of the impending demographic shift and the critical need for strategic workforce planning, including the integration of international talent.

WUSUT Truth #4: Managing Aging Demographics is a DEI Priority

Reality: Age Management is Overlooked in DEI Strategies

While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are often cited as comprehensive, age management is frequently overlooked. In reality, age-related issues are included in only a small fraction of DEI programs globally. This oversight means that older workers are often left without the support and resources they need to thrive.

WUSUT Truth #5: Ageism is Recognized as a Priority

Reality: Ageism Remains Under-Recognized and Under-Addressed

Ageism remains a pervasive yet under-recognized issue in many workplaces. Without explicit policies or training to combat age-related discrimination, these issues often go unnoticed, hindering the creation of truly inclusive environments where workers of all ages are valued equally.

WUSUT Truth #6: Regulations Ensure Opportunities for All Generations

Reality: 50+ Employees Struggle to Access New Roles

Despite the existence of regulations, older employees often face significant barriers when seeking new opportunities or transitioning to new roles. Recruitment and career practices frequently overlook the needs and strengths of this demographic, leading to disengagement and the costly trend of “quiet quitting.”

WUSUT Truth #7: Organizations Track Workforce Demographics

Reality: Many Organizations Lack Accessible Demographic Data

Workforce data management is crucial for informed decision-making, yet many companies fail to track or access essential demographic data, including age and competencies. This oversight can lead to costly decisions and missed opportunities to leverage the strengths of an aging workforce.

THRIVE! Solutions for Age-Inclusive Workplaces

To move from awareness to action, organizations must prioritize age inclusion with practical, targeted solutions:

  • Leadership Awareness: Implement comprehensive training to deepen leaders’ understanding of demographic challenges and the business case for age diversity. Encourage active engagement with older employees and champion age-inclusive policies.
  • Model Age-Friendly Practices: Introduce mentorship and reverse mentoring programs to facilitate intergenerational knowledge exchange. Encourage senior leaders to lead by example with flexible work arrangements and career development opportunities for all.
  • Strategic Workforce Planning: Anticipate future demographic shifts by developing robust workforce plans that attract and retain older workers. Focus on skills development, knowledge transfer, and flexible work opportunities.
  • Integrate Age into DEI Initiatives: Ensure age diversity is a key component of DEI strategies, with adequate resources and support for age-related issues. Foster a culture of respect for workers of all ages.
  • Combat Ageism: Establish clear policies to address age discrimination, and provide training to challenge ageist attitudes and behaviors. Celebrate the contributions of older workers to create a truly inclusive environment.
  • Know Your Numbers: Audit and track demographic data to anticipate and respond to changes in the workforce. Use this data to make informed decisions that benefit both employees and the organization.

Join Us in Creating Age-Inclusive Workplaces

As we kick off the autumn season, we invite leadership teams and decision-makers to organize a customized Aging Workforce MasterClass in your organization. Gain valuable insights, share experiences, and explore actionable strategies to navigate mid-life career transitions and create age-inclusive environments tailored to your needs. Contact us at or

In the meantime, feel free to visualize our last MasterClass absolutely FREE HERE.

Together, let’s wake up to the realities within our organizations, redefine the age narrative, and create a future where age is not a barrier but a source of sustainable business success.

Ellen & Dominique

Would you like to learn to coach the aging population? Our 7-Hour WUSUT Coach Training is now approved for ICF & NBHWC CE

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