Thrive Guide Alive

Warm Up to Wake-Up Shake-Up by Watching Us!

More than half of your brain is dedicated to processing what you see. And did you know that when you both see AND hear information, you’re twice as likely to retain it? With this physiological reality in mind, we recently wrapped filming on our Thrive Guide Alive video series! 

Since we published Wake- Up, Shake-Up, Thrive! How to Lift up Your Life in Your 50’s and Beyondlast fall, we’ve been crafting a full range of resources, practical advice, insight, and inspiration for our WUSUT community. 

This series of 6 short videos created by us, Ellen and Dominique, is designed to propel you to go from knowing what to do to actually DOING it efficiently and effectively. Today.

Thrive Guide Alive is for you if:

— you have read the book and are looking for a new additional, easy, fun and impactful boost or

— you have not (yet) read the book and are ready to get started now or

— prefer to watch and listen to a relaxed conversation between Ellen and Dominique distilling the essence of what their book and philosophy is all about

Thrive Guide Alive Video Series Distills our Book To Its Essence

Each 10-minute video is a conversation between Dominique and Ellen about their signature Five Dimensions of Well-Being to elevate each area of your 50+ life.


Physical Dimension

Eating right and moving your body are essential to remaining engaged and active beyond 50 but there’s another overlooked area of health that, when we aim to increase it, benefits almost every other aspect of our lives.

Can you guess what it is? 


Emotional Dimension

The good news is that adults 50+ are more emotionally stable and resilient! Research in 2020 revealed older adults reported significantly lower percentages of anxiety disorder (6.2%) depressive disorder (5.8%) or trauma– or stress-related disorder (TSRD) (9.2%) than participants in younger age groups.

In this video we cover why it’s so important to name our negative and positive emotions, because your usual response to, “How are you?” is NOT how you’re really feeling. 

How do you feel?


Intellectual Dimension

Intellectual stimulation creates more neural pathways and can prevent mental decline. We talk about the unharnessed power of novelty and making new personal connections. 

Which neural pathway are you building this week?


Spiritual Dimension

Beyond organized religion, numerology or astrology, spirituality is about identifying your purpose. Without doing this you won’t be able to enjoy your present or visualize your future. Learn our S.T.O.P Method to rely on in challenging moments.

Are you ready to S.T.O.P.?


Finances are the #1 worry of the 50+ population. Your relationship and attitude about money determine how you age. Most of us developed our attitudes about money from our families decades ago. Who you are NOW is not who you were then. We talk about how to reassess your money mindset and what we keep hearing from our clients when they talk dollars and cents.

Money talks- is your conversation with it a good one?

If your curiosity is piqued, how about turning YOUR tide on ageing with our Thrive Guide Alive video series? 

“What makes Wake-Up, Shake-Up, Thrive! by Ellen Kocher and Dominique Ben Dhaou different from the myriad other books on the topic is the focus on action. This book’s Thrive Guide helps each reader create their custom action plan so they can turn inspiration into action and impact. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to increase their success and happiness.” — William Arruda, Personal Branding Expert

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